Ella Blake, a stop-motion animator struggling to control her demons after the loss of her overbearing mother, who embarks upon the creation of a film that becomes the battleground for her sanity. As Ella’s mind starts to fracture, the characters in her project take on a life of their own.
Hosted by | Submitted by | |
VidSrc | WatchSeries | 9 months |
voe | Laura-K | |
doodstream | Laura-K | |
vidmoly | Laura-K | |
upstream | Laura-K | |
filelions | Laura-K | |
mixdrop | Laura-K | |
doodstream | tele_joncarb | |
vidmoly | tele_joncarb | |
streamplay | tele_joncarb | |
voe | tele_joncarb | |
voe | Stigma90 | |
streamtape | Stigma90 | |
filemoon | Stigma90 |