Horror TV Series - Page 1

Watch Horror TV series online for free. List of Horror series to watch via online streaming free

Horror TV shows have been around for many decades and have evolved over time to encompass a wide range of genres and sub-genres. From suspenseful psychological thrillers to supernatural scares, these shows have something to offer for everyone who loves to be scared. In this section of ProjectFreeTV, you can explore various types of horror TV shows and their sub-genres. Here are some of the sub-genres you can find in this site:

Psychological Thrillers: These shows are built around suspense, tension, and mind games. They often feature a protagonist who is being driven to the brink of insanity by a sadistic or manipulative antagonist. Shows like "The Twilight Zone," "Black Mirror," and "Mindhunter" are good examples of psychological thrillers. Supernatural Horror: This sub-genre is centered around supernatural entities such as ghosts, vampires, and demons. The horror often stems from the unknown and the unpredictability of the supernatural. "The X-Files," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," and "Supernatural" are popular examples of supernatural horror. Slasher Horror: This sub-genre is characterized by a masked killer who stalks and slays a group of young people. The genre rose to prominence in the late 1970s and early 1980s with the release of films like "Halloween" and "Friday the 13th." Slasher horror has since been adapted for TV with shows like "Scream Queens" and "American Horror Story." Zombie Horror: This sub-genre focuses on a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. Shows like "The Walking Dead" and "Z Nation" have been hugely popular in recent years and have helped to reinvigorate the zombie horror genre. Body Horror: This sub-genre focuses on the physical transformation of characters and often involves mutilation, infection, and transformation. "Hannibal" and "American Horror Story: Freak Show" are good examples of body horror. Found Footage Horror: This sub-genre is built around the concept of using found footage to tell a horror story. The idea is that the footage is “discovered” and then edited into a cohesive narrative. "The Blair Witch Project" is the most famous example of found footage horror, but the genre has been adapted for TV with shows like "The Turing Test."

These are just a few examples of the many different types of horror TV shows and sub-genres that exist. Whether you’re a fan of suspenseful psychological thrillers, supernatural scares, or anything in between, there’s sure to be a horror TV show that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, turn off the lights, search a horror TV show here at ProjectFreeTV, grab a blanket, and get ready to be scared!