Almost Heroes - ProjectFreeTV


Two hapless explorers lead an ill-fated 1804 expedition through the Pacific Northwest in a hopeless, doomed effort to reach the Pacific Ocean before Lewis and Clark.

Release Date May 29, 1998
Casts Chris Farley, Matthew Perry, Bokeem Woodbine, Barry Del Sherman, Eugene Levy, Lisa Barbuscia, Christian Clemenson, Patrick Cranshaw, Jonathan Joss, Gregory Cruz, Don Lake, Brent Hinkley, John Farley, Kevin Dunn, Tim DeKay, Keith Sellon-Wright, David Barrera, Harry Shearer, George Aguilar, Hamilton Camp, Lewis Arquette, Robert Tittor, Franklin Cover, David Packer, Steven M. Porter, Scott Williamson, Rusty Schwimmer,
Director Christopher Guest,
Writer Mark Nutter, Boyd Hale, Thomas R. Wolfe,
Genre Adventure, Comedy, Western,

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