A Love Story from the Streets - ProjectFreeTV


Trying to make ends meets with a drug addicted mother, Kenya (Grace Sol) dives into the world of under ground strip parties. Reno ( Daniel Jeffries) the neighborhood drug dealer comes up with a plan to get him and Kenya out of the street life but Rick (Xavier Martin) doesn't want their cocaine partnership to end after he copped two kilo's from Brick (Jermaine "Maino" Coleman) the New York Kingpin. Watch as this LOVE STORY from the streets of Detroit unfolds in a hail of bullets and blood shed.

Release Date Feb 18, 2023
Casts Grace Sol, Daniel Jeffries, Chevonne Wilson, Dominique C. Adams, Dray Buford, Leah Envy, Xavier Martin, Christina Davis, Jermaine Coleman, Jeremy Evitts, Aleeya Moody, Bria Jewell,
Director Wil Lewis,
Writer Wil Lewis,
Genre Drama,

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