9 Bullets - ProjectFreeTV


A former burlesque dancer turned author (Lena Headey) discovers a second chance at life and redemption when she risks everything to rescue her young neighbor after he witnesses his parents’ murder. Now on the run from the local crime boss (Sam Worthington), who happens to be her longtime ex, she makes a desperate attempt to get the boy to safety.

Release Date Apr 14, 2022
Casts Lena Headey, Dean Scott Vazquez, Sam Worthington, Barbara Hershey, La La Anthony, Cam Gigandet, Marc Menchaca, Martin Sensmeier, Marlene Forte, Stephanie Arcila, Emma Holzer, Chris Mullinax, Cornelia Guest, Zachary Mooren, Anthony Fitzgerald, Claire Liz Phillips,
Director Gigi Gaston,
Writer Gigi Gaston,
Genre Action, Thriller,

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